June 1989- Inspired by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the age of 6, began training TaeKwon-Do (WTF) and Hapkido at J. Park World TaeKwon-Do in Largo, FL with Grandmaster J. Park.
June 1996- Earned 1st Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do (WTF) and Hapkido with Grandmaster J. Park. Appointed instructor at East Bay World Tae Kwon Do in Largo, FL.
May 1998- Earned 2nd Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do (ITF) at Largo Institute of Self Defense with Grandmaster Kwang S. Hwang. Received ITF TaeKwon-Do Instructor certification. Appointed as Head Instructor at Largo Institute of Self Defense. Began training in a martial art called Shim Shin Do.
June 1999- Appointed Head Instructor of TaeKwon-Do (ITF) and an Instructor of Shim Shin-Do at Largo Martial Arts Academy. Also started training in Judo and Karate.
May 2001- Earned 3rd Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do (ITF) with Grandmaster Kwang S. Hwang.
September 2001- Appointed Head Instructor of TaeKwon-Do (ITF) and a Head Instructor of Shim Shin Do at Countryside Institute of Self-Defense.
March 2003- Earned 4th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do (ITF) with Grandmaster Kwang S. Hwang. Began training in Krav Maga.
September 2003- Voted onto the Board of Directors for the Florida League of Martial Arts. Started teaching TaeKwon-Do for the YMCA of the SunCoast. Taught at the Greater Palm Harbor YMCA, Lake St. George Elementary and Curlew Creek Elementary. Began training in Jiu-jitsu and MMA.
June 2006- Opened a martial arts school called X-treme SideKicks in Clearwater and Oldsmar, Florida.
March 2007- Earned 5th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do (ITF).
October 2007- Accepted opportunity to teach ITF TaeKwon-Do and Kickboxing in England. Appointed Martial Arts & Kickboxing Chief Instructor for the Martial Arts Network in Dorset, UK (England).
May 2009- Received an ITF International Instructor Certification at the 44th IIC in Miesbach, Germany. Course was taught by future/former ITF President Grandmaster Trajtenberg, Grandmaster Marano and Grandmaster Bos.
May 2010- Founded Palm Harbor Martial Arts.
April 2014- Earned 6th Degree Black Belt Certification in TaeKwon-Do from Kido Kwan Martial Arts International (ITF Affiliation).
April 2020- Earned 7th Degree Black Belt Certification in TaeKwon-Do from Kido Kwan Martial Arts International (ITF Affiliation).